Congratulations to the Product and Service Winners!

Plutus Awards Winner

While the 6th Annual Plutus Awards ceremony is just hours away, we would like to recognize the winners of this year’s Plutus Awards product and service categories. Tonight’s ceremony is reserved to honor to winners of the independent publisher and projects categories, so to see who has won this year’s categories, be sure to follow @PlutusAwards on Twitter or watch it live in Charlotte, North Carolina at FinCon15!

The community of independent financial publishers and bloggers have chosen to recognize the following companies, products, and services in the 6th Annual Plutus Awards.

Best Checking Account | Winner: Capital One 360 Checking
Capital One 360
Finalists: Ally Bank, Charles Schwab High Yield Checking, Simple Bank, USAA

Best Savings Account | Winner: Capital One 360 Savings Account
Capital One 360
Finalists: Ally,, SmartyPig, Tangerine TFSA

Best Bank Website | Winner: Ally Bank
Ally Bank
Finalists: USAA, Chase, Capital One 360, SmartyPig

Best Overall Bank | Winner: Ally Bank
Ally Bank
Finalists: Capital One 360, Chase, Navy Federal Credit Union, USAA

Best Online Brokerage | Winner: Vanguard
Finalists: Betterment, Fidelity, Loyal3, Scottrade

Best Financial Advisory/Management App | Winner: Personal Capital
Personal Capital
Finalists: Betterment, Mint, Moven, You Need a Budget

Best Use of Social Media By a Brand | Winner: Experian
Finalists: AmericanExpress, Go Banking Rates, SmartAsset, Tangerine

Best Corporate Blog | Winner: H&R Block
H&R Block
Finalists: Betterment, Experian, Personal Capital, Vanguard

Best Coupon App | Winner: RetailMeNot
Retail Me Not
Finalists: Favado, Groupon, Ibotta, ReceiptHog

Best P2P Lending Platform | Winner: LendingClub
Lending Club
Finalists: Grouplend, Kiva, Prosper, Wealthsimple

Best Fundraising Platform | Winner: Kickstarter
Finalists: Crowdrise, DonorsChoose, GoFundMe, Indiegogo

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