Represent the Community As a Member of the Plutus Awards Panel

The key to putting together a Plutus Awards ceremony, the finalists, and the winners, is having a wide and diverse selection of the community providing input throughout the entire process. The Plutus Foundation and the Awards executive team encourages representation and inclusivity in the Plutus Awards winners.
This would not be possible without the Plutus Awards Panel.
The Plutus Awards Panel is a team of bloggers, podcasters, video producers, and authors with experience and expertise in writing and speaking about personal finance and related topics on the internet. This team helps the Awards executive team determine changes to the categories of awards and select the finalists and winners from the large pool of submissions and nominations.
Every year, we invite everyone within the community to apply for a position on the Plutus Awards Panel. Serving on the Panel helps set the course for the Awards, so we’re looking for panelists ready to engage in discussions designed to move the community forward. Participating as a panelist is one way to recognize subcommunities and “niches” in this year’s awards ceremony.
Serving as a panelist requires a degree of commitment. Some reasonable estimates of the time commitment include:
One to two hours per week for about four weeks during category selection.
One hour a week during public nominations and submissions, as you help encourage people to submit projects and as you provide your small group category preferences. This phase takes about a month.
Two to three hours a week during small group discussions to determine finalists (including suggesting additions that might not have been recognized during public nominations) in various categories, including voting to help determine finalists. This phase takes about five weeks.
Two to three hours a week for about four weeks while discussing and voting on the finalists to determine winners. This includes thoughtfully reviewing finalists.

In all, during the process, which lasts from around the beginning of spring to the middle of the summer, you might spend about 26 to 35 hours total helping determine the winners of the Plutus Awards. We also encourage panelists to share information about the Plutus Awards on social media and through networks and remind their followers about People’s Choice voting.

We appreciate the members of our Plutus Awards Panel who, through the years, have helped us overhaul our categories, make suggestions to include projects and creators, and who make the Awards possible.
Panel applications will remain open throughout the beginning of the Plutus Awards planning season.
Tell us about your involvement in the community.

For the above question, we respect your privacy. We ask this to make sure the panel represents the community's diversity. You are not required to disclose names of participants.

Please note: In order to ensure that Panelists feel free to have open and honest communication, we expect that all Panelists respect the privacy and confidentiality of these discussions. Any Panelist found to breach confidentiality will be removed from the Panel. You will also be included in the Plutus Community, which includes the communications channel where discussion will take place.

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