Introducing the Plutus Awards Blogger Panel

Every year, a panel of Plutus Awards peers reviews the nominations and selects the finalists. This Blogger Panel is essential in the success of the Plutus Awards every year. We can now introduce this year’s Blogger Panel, but applications are still open.

J.D. Roth, Jim Wang, Luke Landes [via Philip Taylor / Flickr]

J.D. Roth, Jim Wang, Luke Landes [via Philip Taylor / Flickr]

Serving on the Plutus Awards Blogger Panel is a great way to connect with others in personal finance media, and to offer your two cents and participate in celebrating the best in personal finance.

You can still apply for the Sixth Annual Plutus Awards Blogger Panel. The application form is below the list of this year’s confirmed panelists.

The Sixth Annual Plutus Awards Blogger Panel.

Thank you to everyone who is volunteering to serve on this year’s Plutus Awards Blogger Panel.

Lance Cothern, Money Manifesto Eric Nisall, AccountLancer
Kate Dore, Cashville Skyline Shannyn, Frugal Beautiful
Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, Making Sense of Cents Deacon Hayes, Well-Kept Wallet
Paula Pant, Afford Anything Robert Farrington, The College Investor
Jeff Rose, Good Financial Cents Kay Bell, Don’t Mess With Taxes
Miss Thrifty, Miss Thrifty Valerie Rind, Gold-Diggers and Deadbeat Dads
Crystal Stemberger, Budgeting in the Fun Stuff Rebecca Stapler, Stapler Confessions
Natalie, The Finance Girl Brandon Marcott, Edify Financial Planning
Jennifer Garza, Kathleen Clemins, Stacking Benjamins
Chonce, My Debt Epiphany Gerri Detweiler,
Martin Dasko, Studenomics Even Steven Money
Michelle Jackson, Shop My Closet Project Lazy Man and Money
Corey, 20s Finances Jacob Wade, iHeartBudgets
Cait Flanders, Blonde on a Budget Maria Nedeva, The Money Principle
Kyle Prevost, Young and Thrifty Peter, Bible Money Matters
Jim Wang, Wallet Hacks Daniel Zajac, Zajac Group
Lauren Greutman, I Am That Lady Kate Horrell, The Military Finance Coach
Taylor Flanery, Household Management 101 Kelly Whalen, The Centsible Life
Lauren Bowling, L Bee and the Money Tree LaTisha Styles, Young Finances
Sandy Smith, Yes, I Am Cheap SB, One Cent At a Time
Tonya Rapley, My Fab Finance

Apply for the 6th Annual Plutus Awards Blogger Panel.

It’s not too late!

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1 Comment

Valerie Rind · July 7, 2015 at 8:13 pm

I was a member of the panel for FinCon14 – it’s a great way to read blogs that you might not otherwise be familiar with. There’s a lot of great talent out there!

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