Book Highlight: Building My Yellow Brick Road by Melissa Thomas

Melissa is a wife, mom, dog rescuer, and entrepreneur. She has the distinction of being the only person in her family to attend Catholic School from Kindergarten all the way through College. Melissa has spent more years of her life WITH a dream than without one and is passionate about helping others overcome the financial obstacles to pursuing their dreams.

In late 2009, Melissa and her husband decided to “get better with money” by getting out of debt. Melissa decided that her #1 reason to become debt free was to have money to go to Elton John concerts and fulfill her dream of meeting him in person. On her 40th birthday, the last payment to Sallie Mae was made and in total, $43,544 of consumer debt was GONE in less than 4 years! Money no longer stands in the way of pursuing her dream!

Turns out, Melissa is pretty good at this budgeting stuff and in 2012 she became the owner/founder of Melissa the Coach.

Yellow Brick Road


What inspired you to write this book?

I’ve been told for years how much people enjoy my stories so I started writing them down in 2014, mostly to have a tangible record for my boys. I never intended to write a book and that point but I’ve met several indie authors over the last few years and they really encouraged and inspired me to write.

What is your book about?

It’s a memoir of the last 25 years of my life spent pursuing my dream to meet Elton John. Also includes personal stories and the life lessons I have learned along the way.

What one key takeaway you hope someone gets by reading your book?

To pursue their dream.

Who should read this book?

Anyone who has a dream – especially those who need the inspiration and encouragement.

What are you working on now?

My second book which has a TBA publish date – it’s a diary or sorts that begins in July, 2017 and will continue until the day comes that I meet Elton John. It’s a continuation of the first book, really.

What is your writing Kryptonite?

Fear. It’s one thing to write stories as a tangible reminder for my boys, its another to write it in book form and publish it for whoever wants to read it.

How do you deal with writer’s block?

I do something creative or listen to an Elton John soundtrack.

What does your writing space look like?

My home office is where most of the writing happens.

Melissa writing space 1

What are your top three favorite books of all time?

The Art of Racing the Rain
To Kill a Mockingbird ( I have two dogs named Scout and Dill)

Where can people find you?

Melissa Thomas (book links here)

You can also find the book on Amazon

Twitter, Instagram @MelissatheCoach

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