In effort to bring the best of the best in blogging to our readers, we are presenting an interview series with Plutus Awards winners to highlight their efforts as well as share tips and tricks of theirs to the blogging community they serve. Since winning a Plutus Award takes a lot of hard work, these bloggers may share some insight that could inspire you to win your very own!

Today’s interview is with Pauline of Reach Financial Independence. Pauline is an avid traveler, having lived in Guatemala, Spain, the UK and Morocco. Pauline writes for a few money and travel blogs, does translation jobs here and there, and tries to allocate her money smartly, to produce passive income. One her own site, she blogs about money, travel, simple and deliberate living, freedom and choices.

Where are they now 5

1. Can you tell us about your blog and what Plutus Award you won?

I blog at Reach Financial Independence which is a blog about early retirement, location independence and life goals in general. I have been blogging for five years and won the International Blog Plutus Award in 2016.

2. How did you feel winning the award knowing it was from your peers?

It was great to win the award, especially since it was my very first time attending FinCon! I loved seeing all the people I had been talking to and collaborating with for years, and receiving an award from them was a fantastic blessing. The personal finance niche is so welcoming and tight knit I feel very fortunate to be a part of it.

3. Where are you now? Are you still doing the same blog? How has it changed?

I still run Reach Financial Independence and three more blogs. Life has been pretty busy as I travel a lot and also run a guest house in Guatemala, so I have been outsourcing more and looking for ways to become more productive. It is hard to let go of your blog as it is like your baby, but it had to be done to keep my sanity!

4. What advice would you give someone looking to grow their blog today?

Get close to other members of the community. The vast majority are very happy to help newer bloggers, as we all were there once. Networking and guest posting around is a wonderful way to grow your blog.

5. Blogging can be tough. How do you keep up with motivation?

I try not to blame myself for not being perfect. I just accept that some days will be tougher than other days, then get back on the horse and keep going. Having a routine really helps, if I write first thing in the morning I achieve much more than if I keep it for later.

6. Where do you see yourself going from here? Any plans in the works you can share with us?

I am very happy with where my blogs are today. I am rather looking for a more hands-free management, so I can free up time to travel and run some offline projects. I have been building a few houses lately, and it has taken a lot of my time. I enjoy the balance between offline and online work.

7. What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?

I would say running a business as a solo woman in Guatemala. I am French so there were a few culture clashes, and I had to learn everything from scratch. I also run an education project and we reach about 250 kids each week, with free computer and English lessons. This has been very rewarding.


Thanks for updating us, Pauline!

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