Who’s In the Lead for People’s Choice Today?

It’s time to rally your audiences or spread the word about the People’s Choice award!

Earlier this month, we announced the finalists for the 9th Annual Plutus Awards. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Friday, September 28, at FinCon, in Orlando, Florida. Find out how to attend the 9th Annual Plutus Awards ceremony here.

While our Panel is making its selections for the winners based on the finalists announced earlier, one category is still open for public vote. The People’s Choice award gives bloggers, podcasters, and other independent financial media producers the chance to pick up an award.

Here is the current top ten in votes for People’s Choice in alphabetical order. Note that all nominations are also included in the count of votes.

Doing Money Right
Dumpster Dog Blog
Hilary Hendershott
Journey to Launch
The Luxe Strategist
Millennial Money Man
Millionairess Mama
Road 2 College
Saving Joyfully
Yes, I Am Cheap

The deadline is Wednesday, September 26. Cast your vote or get the link that you can share with your audience.

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