Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: June 10, 2022

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.


Plutus Voices will be in Philadelphia on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 6:00pm PM. Our Plutus Voices events offer a chance to learn and network surrounding important topics in the personal finance space. You can find out more information and sign up for Plutus Voices Philadelphia today!

Hey Plutus Family! We have been enjoying sharing your post in our Impact Series each month. Thank you for submitting great content on the Gender Issues Movement last month. For the Month of June, we are spearheading The College Education Movement, and this couldn’t come at a better time. Please consider participating this month by writing an article, recording a podcast episode, or producing a video that you publish between June 15 and 21. We will begin sharing your content on June 22. Sign up to participate here.

Path Dependence: A Lesson for New Investors

“The path to a result is as important as the result itself. It makes a world of difference to new investors.” – Best Interest

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Don’t Mix Money and Family

“Don’t borrow money from family and don’t lend money to family. If you have to, this post will hopefully help minimize the damage.” – Lazy Fi Dad

Why I Feel Sorry for Rich Kids

“Rich Kids have lots of opportunities but if they aren’t taught about money, they could face lots of challenges when they grow up.” – Blue Tree Savings

My 9-year-old Has a Credit Card!

“Here’s a few key reasons why my husband and I decided to give our 9-year-old a credit card, and why you may consider doing the same for your kids! ” – Wise Dollar Mom

How to Cope with the Rising Cost of Living

“These are uncertain and stressful times and seemingly no-one is immune. The big question is, what can we be doing to cope with these rising costs of living? ” – Money Savvy Mamma

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