Plans are underway for the creation of the First Annual Plutus Awards to celebrate the best of personal finance. These awards will have two main sections: The Plutus Awards and The Plutus 2.0 Awards.

The Plutus Awards will feature categories such as “Best Savings Account,” “Best Money Management Software,” and so forth. The Plutus 2.0 Awards are an extension of awards into blogs and social media. These awards will feature categories such as “Best New Blog,” “Best Investing Blog,” “Blog of the Year,” and so forth.

Nominations will begin Monday, December 21, 2009 and will continue through January. Once nominations are assembled, the top nominations in each category will become the finalists. The public will then be invited to vote for the winners.

In ancient Greek mythology, Plutus was the god of wealth. Much like wealth itself, Plutus was blind, offering his virtues without regard for the virtuosity or merit of the recipient. He was lame but winged, leaving much more quickly than he could arrive.

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