Introducing the 7th Annual Plutus Awards Blogger Panel

7th Annual Plutus Awards

Every year, a panel of Plutus Awards peers reviews the nominations and selects the finalists. This year, the panel will also finalize the list of awards categories that will be presented live at the ceremony in September. This Blogger Panel is essential in the success of the Plutus Awards every year. We can now introduce this year’s Blogger Panel.

Serving on the Plutus Awards Blogger Panel is a great way to connect with others in personal finance media, and to offer your two cents and participate in celebrating the best in personal finance. This is the best way to make sure your voice is heard for the most influential awards ceremony in the financial media community.

I am extraordinarily pleased with the panel selection this year. This group represents a wide cross-section of the financial media.

To our panelists: Thank you for volunteering to serve on this year’s Plutus Awards Blogger Panel.

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, Making Sense Of Cents
Jim Wang, Wallet Hacks
Jessica Moorhouse, Jessica Moorshouse
Eric J. Nisall, Account Lancer
Kyle Prevost, Young And Thrifty
Paula Pant, Afford Anything
Lance Cothern, Money Manifesto
Kay Bell, Don’t Mess With Taxes
Robert Farrington, The College Investor
Kathleen Celmins, Stacking Benjamins
Jeff Rose, Good Financial Cents
Even Steven, Even Steven Money
Deacon Hayes, Well Kept Wallet
Tonya Rapley, My Fab Finance
Dames in Debt, Dames in Debt
Kelly Whalen, The Centsible Life
Free to Pursue, Free To Pursue
John Schneider, Debt Free Guys
David Auten, Debt Free Guys
Revanche, A Gai Shan Life
Melanie Lockert, Dear Debt
Amanda Page, Dream Beyond Debt
Bobby Lee, Two Minute Finance
Vanessa, 2 Minute Finance
Josh Elledge, Savings Angel
Alan Steinborn, Real Money Finance
Tawcan, Tawcan
Jackie Beck, The Debt Myth
Joseph Hogue, Peer Finance 101
Aja McClanahan, Principles Of Increase
Jason Vitug, Road To Financial Wellness
Zina Kumok, Debt Free After Three
Maria Nedeva, The Money Principle
Ashley Barnett, Money Under 30
Joe Saul-Sehy, Stacking Benjamins
Arindam Nag, Centsai
Doria Lavgnino, Centsai
The Roamer, The Traveling Wallet
Monica Louie, Monica Louie
Sarah Li Cain, High Fiving Dollars
Alex, Fifty Week Vacation
Jackie Lam, Cheapsters
Holly Johnson, Club Thrifty
Amanda Abella, Amanda Abella
Debbi King, ABC’s of Personal Finance
Eric Rosenberg, Personal Profitability
Our Next Life, Our Next Life
Scott Maderer, Christian Stewardship Coaching
James Hendrickson, Saving Advice
Kayla Sloan, Shoeaholic No More
Elle Martinez, Couple Money Podcast
Jay Fleischman, Student Loan Shoe
Chris Huntley, Insurance Blog By Chris
Jessica Garbarino, Every Single Dollar
Roger Whitney, Roger Whitney
Emilie Burke, Burke Does
Brian, Lazy Man and Money
Sherrian Crumbley, KNS Financial
Steve Stewart, Steve Stewart

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