In effort to bring the best of the best in blogging to our readers, we are starting an interview series with Plutus Awards winners to highlight their efforts as well as share tips and tricks of theirs to the blogging community they serve. Since winning a Plutus Award takes a lot of hard work, these bloggers may share some insight that could inspire you to win your very own!

Today’s interview is with Tai and Talaat of His and Her Money. Talaat and Tai McNeely “America’s #1 Money Couple”, are Financial Educators that are on a mission to get couples on the same page financially and to experience the joys of financial freedom.

Where are they now 3

1. Can you tell us about your blog and what Plutus Awards you won?
We run a platform called, His and Her Money where we discuss all things finances. Our approach is a multi-prong one where we present it in different learning styles. We have a podcast for those that learn via audio, a youtube channel for our visual learners, and a blog for our learners that like to read. We won the Plutus award for People’s Choice and Best Video/Multimedia Production.
2. How did you feel winning these award knowing they were from your peers?

We felt honored to win these awards knowing it was from our peers. It felt like all of our hard work was not going unnoticed.

3. Where are you now? Are you still doing the same blog and videos? How have things changed?

We are still doing the same blog and nothing has changed for the most part.

4. What advice would you give someone looking to grow their blog and media presence today?

The advice that we would give someone looking to grow their blog and media presence would be to not focus on the money aspect first. So many people get into this business looking for the rate of return and not about helping those who need our message most. From day one we focused on the people that needed and wanted to change their financial situation around. Once we did that, then the money started to come.

5. Blogging can be tough. How do you keep up with motivation? Please answer the same question for making videos.

Our motivation is fueled by the comments that we receive from our community. When you get a message from someone saying that you saved their life and their marriage…that makes it all worth it!

6. Where do you see yourself going from here? Any plans in the works you can share with us?

We are going through an entire rebranding that will be launching soon that we are extremely excited about. New logo, website, and so forth. When we first started we weren’t worried about perfection. If we would have waited for everything to be perfect we never would have hit the start button. Now, we are taking the time to relaunch in a way that fits our style and message a little bit better.


7. What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging/videos?

Our greatest achievements have been our three little heartbeats, our children. They bring us so much joy and love. We do all of this for them!


Thank you, Talaat and Tai for sharing with us! Please leave any questions for Talaat and Tai below in the comment section.

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