The Plutus Foundation: What You Need to Know

Since 2016, the Plutus Foundation has provided the personal finance media with resources to create  programs to improve financial literacy in their communities. Here’s what else you need to know.

In the Beginning

The Plutus Foundation began with an idea from Harlan Landes, founder of Consumerism Commentary. He wanted to establish a funding resource for the personal financial media to create programs to improve financial literacy in their offline communities.

To achieve his goal, Harlan assembled a team of prominent personal financial influencers, many of whom still sit on our board of directors. We could not be more grateful for the assistance of early supporters like Jim Wang of Wallet Hacks, JD Roth of Get Rich Slowly, and Joe Saul-Sehy of Stacking Benjamins.

Thanks to their support and Harlan’s efforts, the Foundation launched with one grant recipient in the fall of 2016.

In the Middle

Since 2016, the Foundation has awarded six more grants (read about some of our recipients). We’ve sponsored national events including the Road to Financial Wellness and Heroes at Home, and formed partnerships with organizations across the United States. Maybe you’ve seen some of us in New York, Rhode Island, or Florida!

We’ve also recognized the importance of giving back. Each year, during the Plutus Awards ceremony, the Foundation presents a community service award to a member of the personal finance media making a difference in their community. Past winners have included Kylie Travers and Melanie Lockert.

We’ve had some staffing changes, too! No longer a one-man shop, our executive team now includes a Director of Grants and Programs and Director of Development.

Most recently, we’ve started a YouTube channel and although our Facebook mastermind group is a work in progress, it’s there if you need it!

In the Future

But wait! There’s more!

For instance, we can’t wait for FinCon18. We’re looking forward to connecting with attendees who create financial literacy programs and curriculum (if you’re going and you see one of us, come say hi!). We’re also looking forward to the Plutus Awards, where we’ll present the winners of our Fall 2018 grants and the recipient of our 2018 Community Service Award.

After FinCon18, that’s when the fun really begins. In the coming months, we’ll be releasing some new grant opportunities, sponsorships, workshops and educational resources. They’re not just for grant recipients, either! There’s something for everyone working to improve financial literacy. And that’s all in addition to readying our Spring 2019 grants.

We’ll also be participating in Giving Tuesday in November. More on that in a few weeks.

We’ll use this space, and our social media, to provide Foundation updates so make sure you connect with us! You can also check out our FAQs if you want to learn more.

Although we’ve come a long way since that first grant in 2016, we’re not done yet. And we are so excited about what’s next. We hope you’ll join us!

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