Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: April 26, 2019

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

As April comes to a close, we want to remind you to support our community with a contribution of 3.3% of your profit this month. Here’s why and how.

Investing while paying off debt?

“Joseph Hogue is a financial expert and investment analyst. Now he helps families increase credit score and reach their financial goals with some of the same advice he used when working for the rich.” – The Money Nerds Podcast

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How Investors Can Control Their Urgency Instinct

“As investors we face a constant barrage of information every day that triggers our urgency instinct. Urgency instinct is still useful today when we need to take evasive action, but it can backfire when it comes to making complex decisions.” – Boomer and Echo

9 Ways to Prep For a Recession (Without Going Nuts About It)

“Listen, recessions happen. And they are scary! But you can do a lot to prep, and most of it is common-sense advice that’s good in any case.” – Half Banked

Fathers on Financial Independence

“The FIRE movement is spreading and within it is a growing number of men who are raising the bar as fathers in their household.” – rich & REGULAR

Revisiting Financial Priorities When You’re In Debt

“For a while I had been ignoring one financial sore spot, because it hadn’t been a big deal and hadn’t caused a lot of trouble or financial strain, but it needed to be addressed.” – Wise Mind Money

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