Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: April 5, 2019

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

This week we announced the categories for the 10th Annual Plutus Awards. Be sure to enter your blog, podcast, or other project in one of these categories to be considered for this year’s awards.

Celebrating Debt Freedom Is Gauche

“Today I’m musing on why celebrating debt freedom is considered gauche while celebrating the external vision of wealth is not.” – Chief Mom Officer

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Christopher Guest Post: Wealth Well Done

“Bill from Wealth Well Done spent most of his 20s in prison and is now making rapid progress towards financial independence. That’s wealth well done.” – Physician on FIRE

How to Overcome Challenges

“There were times that I felt hopeless and wanted to give up, especially when I faced a setback. But in each case I kept moving forward, and it paid off! Today we tackle techniques for overcoming challenges.” – The Debt Shrink

My Childhood in a Multilevel Marketing Scam

“How an MLM in my early life left a lasting impact on how I think about money and financial advice.” – Our Next Life

Paula Pant: “Afford Anything” | Talks at Google

“Paula Pant discusses a range of financial topics including the anti-budget, growing the gap, side hustles vs. promotions, spending drains, index funds, better habits, cognitive biases and behavioral finance, and why you should never delay gratification.” – Afford Anything on YouTube

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