Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: May 10, 2019

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

Continuing to bring awarness to financial abuse, this week we presented this story from this anonymous survivor. The story will help readers recognize the signs of financial abuse.

Screw The Numbers, Focus on the Habits

“As our net worth and Incomes have grown, it takes larger and larger amounts of money to get my attention. I have to consistently remind myself how far we have already come…” – Apathy Ends

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Immigrant Finances #1: Small Budget Retirement

“Being an immigrant has its own challenges and I was curious to know from other immigrants how they were dealing with their finances.” – Grokking Money

Gluten free for less

“Eating gluten free for less: How we feed our family of 5 for $1.25 per person per meal on a gluten free diet, much less than the USDA “thrifty” plan.” – Government Workers Pursuing FI

Re-branding, Entrepreneurship, Building Communities and Networking to $100k at age 25 with Tori Dunlap

“Tori Dunlap interview on saving $100k at 25. Learn how to launch a successful re-brand, entrepreneurship, tips, and how to build an incredible online community.” – Simple Minded Millennial

Who Are We Really Serving?

“When I joined the online personal finance community in late 2013 as a blogger (More Than Just Money), I was amazed at how I quickly connected with many who were like-minded.” – Kassandra Dasent

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