How You Can Help the Plutus Awards and Our Many Projects

The Plutus Foundation is looking to grow our team. There are a number of opportunities to let members of the community contribute their skills to make the projects that we operate more successful, like the Plutus Awards.

This is a great way to support the financial media community and give back without it costing you a dime — just your time. Can you help in any of these areas? Contact us and let’s get started!

If giving back to the community is important to you, joining our team is a great way to be more involved and have an impact on the direction of the organization and the community at large.

Writers and Editorial

If your skill is writing, please share your talents with us. We are looking to expand the amount and quality of information we publish. We have topics we would like to cover, and you may have ideas as well. You would be comfortable writing about topics like blogging or financial literacy and education. Your style may be conducting interviews or relying on your own expertise. Experience with WordPress is a plus.

You would help our social media team by promoting the articles you write.

We are also looking for an overall editor to manage and maintain our content calendar (alongside members of our existing team).

Here is a specific list of the needs we’d like to fill in our editorial department:

  • Writers to provide articles about financial literacy.
  • A writer or editor to facilitate features (interviews and “guest posts”) by and for members of the Plutus Community, including previous award winners and up-and-coming bloggers, podcasters, authors, and speakers.

Social Media Specialists

If you are an expert with Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, we are looking for several volunteers to complete and work with our social media team. We have recently added to this team, and we would like to continue the expansion.

Here is our specific list of social media needs:

  • A Twitter engagement specialist to amplify our content and the community’s content on Twitter and to engage with the community.
  • Several Facebook engagement specialist to use content already created to effectively engage our community on Facebook. There are several areas of focus for Facebook that require dedicated social media experts.
  • An Instagram engagement specialist to assist and amplify our existing efforts on this social media channel.
  • Community moderators who have extensive experience with Slack.

Content Curators

With the recently launched Plutus Awards Showcase, you could become one of several content curators who reviews articles, videos, and podcast episodes for inclusion in our weekly feature. Some are submissions, but curators are also expected to find appropriate content that fits in with the theme for the week (if any).

If you love reading and listening to financial content and want to share the best of the best, we need you to help us share excellent links with the Plutus Community. We have a mostly-automated system that requires just a few clicks. Our weekly blog posts, social media links on Twitter and Facebook, and email newsletter are generated automatically. Very little input is needed from our curators other than choosing the best to share.

Plutus Awards Ambassadors

The Plutus Awards, including the ceremony and all the work throughout the year that leads up to it, is one of our biggest projects. We are looking for ambassadors to help answer questions on behalf of the organization and encourage the community to participate fully. As the ceremony approaches, we will have many roles to fill for the event itself, with our volunteer coordinator Lance Cothern leading the team of volunteers.

Here are some of the things you can do as a Plutus Awards Ambassador:

  • Participate on the Plutus Awards Panel and have a say in the selection of finalists and winners.
  • Serve as a point of contact for our partners or our finalists and winners.
  • Volunteer at the Plutus Awards ceremony at FinCon — hand out trophies, be a photographer, help with the Green Carpet, etc.
  • Organize our cocktail reception or after-party.

Plutus Foundation Development

Development is a crucial piece of the Plutus Foundation, and doing this well will allow us to continue putting on great projects. Development encompasses partnerships with organizations, fundraising, and grant writing.

This is a list of what we need in our development department:

  • Grant writers who have experience applying for and receiving corporate and foundation grants.
  • Someone who can consistently make and maintain connections with other organizations or companies that are aligned with the mission of the Plutus Foundation.

Plutus Voices Event Associates

Plutus Voices is a series of events throughout the country. As we move from city to city, it’s helpful to have event volunteers we can rely on to handle some of the local needs prior to our arrival and on the day of the event.

If you can help with any of the above, or have other suggestions for a way you can help the Foundation and the financial media community, contact us!

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