Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: December 18, 2020

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

Side Hustles for the holidays and financial stress are our main points of conversation this week. Christmas is less than a week away and the New Year is closer. Ramping up your financial self-care is the way to go this week.

Overcoming Financial Stress (Moms Have It Rough Sometimes)

“Moms have it rough when it comes to overcoming financial stress. It doesn’t mean that dads have it easy, but the stress is just not on the same scale.” – Mama Bear Finance

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Why I’m Saying “No” More Often

“I knew I didn’t want to work in human resources for the long-term. Because of this realization, I was no longer trying to climb the corporate ladder. It became easier to say “no” more often and set boundaries around what I would or wouldn’t do.” – The Fioneers

How to Make Money Online (Kids)

“How to create money online is one of the largest searched topics on Google and Quora at this time. Listen as Raeshal give creative ideas to help parent pass the time with their kids. Create a kid business doing things that your kid already loves to do. ” – Podkash Kids

The Ultimate Guide to Tax Deductions for The Self-Employed

“Filing your taxes as a W-2 employee can be overwhelming. But, when you’re self-employed, the labyrinth of paperwork and potential tax deductions creates a tax situation that’s enough to give even the most laid-back freelancer heartburn.” – I Like to Dabble

All the Best Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (50+)

“This is a great resource for new proofreaders and editors, or veterans looking for job leads. Screening out the scams I came up with over 50 opportunities and client-finding techniques to help you stay paid!” – Swift Salary

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