Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: January 3, 2020

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

Happy New Year! Here at the Plutus Foundation, we are excited about everything that 2020 will bring! We are BEYOND grateful for the wonderful year we have had and the growth and relationships that 2019 brought us!We look forward to sharing another year with you!

Joining a Cult: The Financial Independence Counterculture

“Is the FIRE movement a counter culture phenomenon? If so, would you call it a cult? The Physician Philosopher explores the cult-like connection.” – Physician on FIRE

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5 Smart Ways to Save and Invest for Your Child’s Future

“Want to give you child the gift of financial independence? Andy chats with Damian Dunn about how to save for our children’s future.” – Marriage, Kids and Money

The Logistics of Sharing Finances

“If you’re commingled, deciding to maintain joint or separate accounts is just the beginning. Then there’s the actual nuts and bolts, like: How much should you spend and save as a couple?” – The Luxe Strategist

How to Think About Bear Markets

“Is there anything investors can do to protect their portfolios from bear markets? Professor Dimson suggests some simple steps you can take to help maximise your long-term returns.” – TEBI

The Long Game

“Our society is so focused on the here-and-now that we often forget to plan for the future. How do you become a more long-term thinker?” – The Three Year Experiment

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