Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: July 3, 2020

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

Happy first Friday of July! Last weekend we launched the official Nomination period for the 11th Annual Plutus Awards, presented by Capital Group! Our DM’s have been blowing up with so many questions, nominations, shout outs, and we have to say the level of positivity happening right now is refreshing to see.

July is the start of highlighting some of the awesome Financial Freedom writers out there and this week we’re kicking it off with some of our favorite FI bloggers who are realistic examples. From discussing mortgage hacks to traveling the world these FI bloggers give you the reality of their situations and provide down-to-Earth relatable advice.

A few things from this week: We hosted a live webinar last night with Steven Hughes and Alanna Anthony on Money and Systemic Issues. Check out this enlightened episode here. We also have been going into more detail about the Plutus Awards categories, what would qualify as a nomination, and examples of those categories. You can read more about our first set of categories by clicking here or heading to Next week we have a privately held webinar on the Pandemic and What You Need to Know About Your Taxes with Tai Stewart and other special guests. Click here to RSVP and snag a spot – space is limited for this webinar.

How to Build Equity in Your Home

“A few years ago, I set a big financial goal for myself. I decided to become a homeowner, and to buy my first home in cash. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that earlier this year I was finally able to reach that goal. ” – The Budget Mom

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How Can You Travel The World For a Year?

“This is probably the most asked question since we began our 2019 travel journey. Honestly, if you had asked us our plans 5 years ago, 3 years ago or even 12 months ago leaving corporate America and traveling for a full year would not have been our response. Surprised? ” – Learn Hustle Grow

Retire Even Earlier with Deferred Compensation

“Does your financial freedom plan include maximizing both earning and savings? Mine did, but one of the challenges with this approach was higher marginal taxes. I discovered the brilliant Go Curry Cracker tax avoidance strategies years ago, but filing a 1040 with a $0 federal income tax liability was impossible as my earned income increased.” – Go Curry Cracker

Essentialism: Life by Design, Not by Default

“Many people have recommended the book Essentialism to me over the years. It sounded somewhat interesting. But, I usually moved on without buying it or requesting it from the library. ” – The Fioneers

Living A Fire Lifestyle, Without The FI Status

“I was speaking to a new FI Journey friend, Dan, about his experience with FIRE. He recently made it to that magical threshold of saving over 25 times his expenses (aka FIRE) and he took the leap into retirement. ” – Reluctant Frugalist

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