Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: July 31, 2020

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

We’re all tired of COVID, and endless online meetings, and social distancing protocols that feel dehumanizing. Don’t get me wrong here though, doing what’s right to keep us all safe is the most vital aspect of our society right now so we can deal with masks and six feet between friends. So this week we’re focusing on the idea of “you do you” because that’s at least something within our personal control!

These creators have some great insights to offer either based on their own personal experiences in the world, ways to cope with making less right now, and interesting investment ideas.

Why I Unfollowed a Ton of Influencer Accounts

“Social media used to be a different space than it is today. I used to open Instagram and expect to see several of my friend’s dinners and a lot of cute photos of family and dogs. Now, when I log in to social media platforms, it’s like a battle to find actual content that doesn’t make me feel like less of a person.” – Mixed Up Money

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3 Tips To Consider Before You Quit Your 9-to-5 to Pursue Your Passion Full-Time

“When I decided to leave my job to pursue my side-hustle full-time, I was equal parts excited and frightened. I was excited because I actually had a chance to pursue something I was extremely passionate about.” – Frugal Feminista

Passive Income Dividends: Pay Your Bills with Monthly Dividend Cash

“There is no investing strategy more popular than dividend investing and for good reason. Dividend stocks outperform the rest of the stock market and put cash in your pocket. Dividend investing is safer than other investing strategies and will help you reach your investing goals.” – Joseph Hogue, CFA

5 Steps to Take if You Are Experiencing An Income Drop

“Here are 5 steps to help you get your stuff back on track and get you to a point where you don’t have to worry about this again in the future.” – Whitney Hansen

Why I freelance: Designing a lifestyle-based business

“A few months ago, I was at a retreat for women when one attendee, a fellow freelance writer, mentioned that she puts her values above any income goals. In the past, she was earning a six-figure income as a freelancer. ” – Jackie Lam

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