Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: June 5, 2020

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

This week has been a wake up call for so many across our country and even across the world. With the Black Lives Matter movement coming more into the light we’re taking a full pivot to highlight some of this week’s pieces from our community’s African American authors speaking directly to the issues surrounding people of color and personal finance.

Earlier this week the Plutus Foundation published this on our social media channels: “The Plutus Foundation has endeavored to make diversity and inclusion a priority, which we believe has been evident in the work that we do. These past few days have been heart-breaking in our community as well as our nation.

We see you. We hear you. We care about you.

Our mission is to support programs, people, and financial literacy. We work with creators from all backgrounds to provide a diversified foundation for financial education, considering race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and socio-economic background.

Right now, our team is working on how we can best continue to support our community and their projects.

Black lives matter, and we condemn all acts of racism, violence, and discrimination.”

Coming in the next week our content team will be coming out with a resource page with information on how to talk about race, resources to share with your audiences, and a webinar with African American leaders in personal finance. In the coming weeks the Plutus Foundation will also be announcing new developments and changes we’re making to continue with our diversity efforts and transparency as a foundation. We want to hear everyone’s voice, so if you have resources you would like to contribute to our resource page or the weekly Plutus Awards showcase please reach out to our media team,, or submit to the showcase.

158- Black Lives Matter & The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black in America

“I encourage everyone to listen to this episode and share it with someone who needs to hear more of how we as a nation got to a place where Black Americans own only 2% of wealth and what we can do to change it .” – Journey to Launch

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This Has to Be Said…

“I don’t even know where to start. So much has gone on over the past few days that I’ve become physically and emotionally exhausted. Still, this has to be said. ” – My Debt Epiphany

A Candid Conversation About Race in America

“We are not “winning” in the US and haven’t been for many years. The fact of the matter is America, at its core, is dysfunctional and its dysfunction is currently on display and I’m here for it.” – Michelle is Money Hungry

Why Race Matters In Personal Finance

“I graduated college with $38,000 worth of debt, on top of being laid off multiple times and having credit card debt I was still able to reach my debt free goal in December of 2017 while having a positive net worth. It was important to invest my money while I was paying off my debt. ” – Candice Latham

How Important Is a Seat at the Table?

“I had a conversation with someone a few weeks ago about the dynamic of being the only black person, or one of few black people, in a predominantly white environment. ” – Money the Wright Way

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