Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: February 21, 2020

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

This week in honor of black history month, we’re recognizing some really great African American money writers from our community. These individuals discuss more than just tips and tricks on how to get better with money. They also speak on important issues facing African Americans in the US today and how to overcome these issues.

5 Ideas On How to Save & Invest Your Cash Gifts From Graduation

“One major perk of graduation season, in addition to receiving the degree you’ve toiled so hard for, in hand, is the celebratory tokens, presents and cash gifts from family and friends.” – Melisa Boutin

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Dr. George Fraser: Connecting the Dots

“Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” or “The quickest way to change yourself is to hang out with people who are already where you want to be?” ” – Patrice Washington

The Forgotten Category Of A Successful Budget

“Even if you have a working budget, there is a set of expenses that will make or break your spending plan. Unfortunately, these expenses are overlooked or ignored. Most people don’t realize that there are four tiers where expenses should be categorized.” – Tarra Jackson

How George Howard Amassed a 100 Property Debt Free Real Estate Portfolio

“After hitting rock bottom, he found a way to make money after purchasing a lien for $500, he made a good profit on that purchase and kept growing to 100 properties and a new perspective on how to make huge profits in real estate without debt, real estate license, or thousands in the bank.” – His & Her Money

Should You Pay Taxes on eBay Earnings?

“Establishing and running a successful online store on eBay is much more comfortable and inexpensive as compared to a physical store. Thousands upon thousands of people sell items on eBay.” – Jason Butler

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