Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: April 22, 2022

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

Sponsor a Plutus Awards trophies while you can Limited trophies remain available for sponsoring a Plutus Awards trophy this year. See what categories remain available here.

What’s your hot take? Financial content creators are all involved in some sort of financial literacy. We want our audiences to take control of their financial live, but Financial Literacy isn’t the complete answer for all situations. We’d love to get your take on financial literacy and share as part of our Impact Series for April. Find out how you can participate here.

What’s Your Money Persona?

“My Fab Finance Founder Tonya Rapley drops by #YourMoneyStory to talk about entrepreneurship, how to set your children up to be financially stable and her recently launched Money Persona quiz.” – Renita D. Young

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18 Ways To Make Money On The Side With A Full-Time Job: Boomer’s Top Picks

“There are many ways to make money on the side, even with a full-time job. Here are the top side hustle picks for baby boomers.” – Baby Boomer Super Saver

What is the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account

“The Tax-Free First Home Savings Account combines the benefits of an RRSP with a TSFA, allowing its’s users to deposit and withdraw tax free.” – Loving Life With Less

Episode 13: How to Successfully Apply for SSI or SSDI with Dena Gassner

“SSDI is a daunting process that’s anything but transparent. The system is set up for you to fail, and as a result a lot of people eventually just give up. But today, we’re bringing you a system for success.” –

How to Finance Solar Panels: Loans & Other Options

“This article has put together some top options to finance solar panels for homes and businesses. Let’s take a quick look at the post for details.” – The Impact Investor

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