Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: July 1, 2022

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

The Plutus Impact Summit is July 22 and 23 For two afternoons, the Plutus Foundation will give you the ideas and tools you need to build your community and build your business. This is the virtual event of the year just for financial content creators — bloggers, podcasters, authors, speakers, and anyone else who talks about money online or offline. Get tickets (free) at

Do you have any video of news spots or national or local features of you from the last year? Please send an email to to be featured during the Plutus Awards ceremony! Please make the subject of your email “NEWS Features Plutus Awards” and include the link to the media, your website, and social media handles in the email. We love to highlight members of the community and their accomplishments.

How We’re Staying Calm in Turbulent Times

“Since FIREing, we’ve faced a variety of financial challenges. Find out how we’re coping with our negative thoughts and feelings.” – Eat Sleep Breathe FI

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Target Date Funds: Good For Beginners, Bad For Retirement?

“Target date funds are an incredibly simple way to get started investing. We’re going to explore why they’re a pretty good option for new investors but you may want to plan on “graduating” from them along the way.” – Managing FI

6 Ways Military Families Can Protect Their Financial Well-Being

“From knowing how to budget their pay to developing several passive income streams, there are several things military families can do to help ensure.” – Harris Cash Coach

Why Gift Cards May Suck and Why They Don’t!

“For decades now, gift cards have become a “basic” for most of us as just another way to shop and give as gifts to our family and friends, but when it comes to the reality of gift cards, are there cons to them?” – Super Saving Tips

Let’s Talk About Life Insurance

“Planning for financial wellbeing is not complete without considering sources of risk in your life, and deliberate actions to mitigate them with insurance.” – Find More Balance

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