Showcase: Top 9 Financial Resolutions for the New Year (2023)

In the Plutus Awards Showcase, the Plutus Awards team and Apex Money highlight the best financial articles, podcast episodes, and videos from around the web each Friday. To submit an items you’ve written, created, or discovered, submit a request for consideration.

We hope you had a great holiday Plutus Family, but now it’s time to make your New Year Resolution before we enter into the new year. Thank you for being a part of the Plutus family and we look forward to 2023. Happy New Year Plutus family!

Here’s what we wanted to share with you this week

Top 9 Financial Resolutions for the New Year (2023).  [APR Finder] – “With each new year comes the perfect opportunity to reflect on the progress of your financial life and create actionable goals for the 12 months ahead. While most people focus on saving more money and paying down debt, others place importance on shifting behaviors around money management and increasing their income in an attempt to improve one’s financial circumstances.” (Submitted by Tarsha.)

How to Stop Shopping Impulsively in 2023: 23 Frugal Tips! [No Sidebar] — “Does it feel like no matter how much you work; you can’t seem to stay on top of your finances? The problem may not be how much money you’re making, it may be the rate at which you spend it.” (Submitted by J. Money.)

7 Ways to Develop Financial Trust in Your Relationship.  [Harris Cash Coach] — “If you find that you’re constantly fighting about money or hiding how you spend money from your partner, it may be time to rethink your relationship goals and values. Fighting about money can create tension in a relationship and make it challenging to accomplish future goals. When one spouse gets frustrated with the other, it can seem like you’re on an island all on your own, trying to resolve a difficult situation. How can couples develop and build financial trust in their relationship?” (Submitted by Tarsha.)

How to Fall Back in Love with Reading (Even When Your Brain Feels Like Mush). [The Cut] — “These all sound like great reasons to develop a practice of reading. But how? The key, as with most everything in life, is to build a habit of reading. What you’re trying to do is practice sustained attention. Like any habit, the trick is in figuring out what works for you.” (Submitted by J.D Roth.)

The Banker Who Caused the 1929 Stock Crash. [The Hustle] – “Around noon on one of the worst days in the history of Wall Street, Charles E. Mitchell hurried up the steps of the House of Morgan, a two-story gray building across from the New York Stock Exchange. It was Oct. 24, 1929, and disaster had struck. When the market opened, stocks plummeted so fast the exchange’s ticker tape couldn’t keep up with the frenzy.” (Submitted by Jim Wang.)


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