Twitter Chat With Special Guest J.D. Roth, $150 In Prizes!


As preparation for a new Plutus Awards year-round initiative, we would like to announce our new monthly Twitter chats! Our new monthly Twitter chats (using #PlutusChat) will feature special guests from around the blogosphere, sharing their expertise to help you create the blog of your dreams, and maybe earn your very own Plutus Award!

Join us next Wednesday on February 11th, 2pm EST / 11am PST with special guest J.D. Roth, founder of Get Rich Slowly, author of Your Money: The Missing Manual, creator of the Get Rich Slowly course and all around seeker of happiness. J.D. will be talking about the power of community and more specifically, how to build one. The benefits of building a strong community are endless, and J.D. has community members who have followed along on his numerous adventures along the years.

J.D. has been the recipient of a number of Plutus Awards over the years:

  • 1st Annual Plutus Awards: Lifetime Achievement, Blog of the Year, Best Multiple-Author Blog, Best Written Blog, Best Entrepreneurship
  • 2nd Annual Plutus Awards: Blog of the Year, Best Multiple-Author Blog, Best Written Blog
  • 5th Annual Plutus Awards: Best Educational Resource

Add this event to your Google Calendar!

Today’s giveaway is sponsored by The Plutus Awards, and is one $150 gift card for One lucky winner will be chosen using In order to qualify, follow these instructions:

  • Make sure you are following @PlutusAwards on Twitter.
  • RSVP using the form below.
    • Under “Link Title,” enter your Twitter ID, like @luke_landes.
    • Under “Email Address,” enter your valid email address.
    • Under “URL,” enter your Twitter profile URL, like
  • During the scheduled chat, participate in the discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #plutuschat. A tool like TweetChat could help follow the hashtag.
  • At the end of the scheduled chat, we will announce the winner, chosen at random, from among those who qualify.

If we choose a winner who RSVPed but did not attend, we will choose a second winner.

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1 Comment

Ellen Cannon · February 11, 2015 at 10:47 am

Looking forward to your Tweetchat.

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Note: There are no currently scheduled PlutusChats.