Twitter Chat w/ Exclusive Guests Sandy Smith & Michelle Jackson!

If you joined us for our previous Twitter chats,  you know that the Plutus Awards team plans on bringing experts in for public discussions throughout the year, sharing their expertise to help you create the blog of your dreams, and catches you up to what the PF blogging community is currently up to.

Join us this Thursday, August 30th, 2018, at 3pm ET/12pm PT with special guests Sandy Smith and Michelle Jackson. Both powerhouses have grossed over thousands of dollars in side hustles to help them reach their goals and quit their day jobs to work on themselves. Ms. Smith and Ms. Jackson have both recently launched new courses, Small Business Incubator and How To Make $500 A Month in eBooks to show others how to fulfill their money dreams and get them on the path to success. Co-hosts Jason Butler & Athena Lent will be asking some questions you don’t wanna miss!

Today’s #PlutusChat and giveaway are sponsored by the Plutus Awards, and is one $50 gift card for One lucky winner will be chosen using In order to qualify, follow these instructions:

  • Make sure you are following @PlutusAwards on Twitter.
  • RSVP using the form below.
    • Under “Link Title,” enter your Twitter ID, like @luke_landes.
    • Under “Email Address,” enter your valid email address.
    • Under “URL,” enter your Twitter profile URL, like
  • During the scheduled chat, participate in the discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #PlutusChat. A tool like TweetChat could help follow the hashtag.
  • At the end of the scheduled chat, we will announce the winner, chosen at random, from among those who qualify.

If we choose a winner who RSVPed but did not attend, we will choose a second winner.

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