Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: March 1, 2019

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

This week has been designated America Saves Week, and financial literacy plays a significant part in the work we do as bloggers, podcasters, and authors. Here are our favorite articles and videos from this week.

The 15 Money Things I’d Tell A New Teacher (Me)

“These are the 15 things I wish someone had told me as a new teacher. New teacher money advice to help you reach financial independence.” – Principal F.I.

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The psychology of saving money: what does the research tell us?

“A body of behavioural economics and psychology research offers some interesting lessons on how we can foster a savings mind-set – and maybe even unthinkingly become more productive and healthier with it.” – Hustle Escape

What I Learned About Frugal Living From Being Broke

“When you are broke frugal living is a necessity. Here are the ten lessons I learned about how to live a simple frugal life from being flat out broke.” – Your Money Geek

YNAB Workshop – Create a Debt Paydown Plan (video)

“In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to create a debt paydown plan. We’ll review which things you should focus on first, and how to decide how much you can afford.” – You Need a Budget

Why I Hate the 30 Year Fixed Mortgage and You Should Too

“The 30 year fixed mortgage is the most common type of home loan in the United States. Here are a few reasons why I hate the 30 year fixed mortgage.” – Financial Pilgrimage

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