Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: March 15, 2019

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

Do you love the blogging/podcasting community around the topic of personal finance? We’re looking for a few congenial volunteers to help the Plutus Foundation and Awards team with social media, writing, and even curating articles for the Plutus Awards Showcase! We have a lot of surprises coming up soon, so this is a great time to get involved.

Broken Window Theory And Why It Matters To Your Financial Well-being

“Researchers studying urban decay wanted to find out why some neighborhoods escape the ravages of the inner city, and others right next door would become a hell hole where the cops were scared to go in.” – Grokking Money

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Marginal utility and the pursuit of FI

“Most people could benefit from a sharper focus on their spending. Thinking about where they’re spending money and where they find happiness can help most people clarify their priorities…” – CityFrugal

What’s Up Next Podcast: Episode 22 (audio)

“In this episode we discuss coping with the ultimate loss. When a loved one dies, how do you pick up the financial pieces?” – DiverseFI

Teacher Talk: Losing a Little Control of a Career I Love

“Personal finance and financial independence: it’s about money. Often times people also point out that it’s not really about money. It’s about time and freedom.” – She Picks Up Pennies

How I learned to stop feeling hopeless about money

“I grew up in a poor family but went to a rich college. After I graduated, I was homeless… Eventually, I learned how to achieve financial freedom.” – Get Rich Slowly

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