Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: May 29, 2020

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

As Sarah Li Cain discussed in her Plutus Awards Podcast episode this week, grief during the time of the pandemic is serious and understanding your grief, what triggers it, and how to set ourselves up for financial success are just as important as the amount of money in our savings account. May has been mental health awareness month and we’re ending it on a high note by highlighting some podcast episodes and articles that provide a wealth of resources and help for those who need it (which seems to be all of us at times).

Coming up next week we’re going to be announcing the categories for the Plutus Awards so stay tuned! The Plutus Foundation will also be announcing a new series of webinars and content creator focused live streams.

“My financial journey began when my father passed away 1.5 yrs ago”

“A little about me – my financial journey began just over 1.5 yrs ago after my father passed away. Outside of being the best guy and the light in every room, he was also the financial dude/planner in he and my Mom’s relationship. Thankfully he had a will and medical proxy… but that was it.” – Budgets Are Sexy

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How Grief Affects Your Finances: An Interview with Emily Guy Birken

“Grief and trauma can disrupt our mental functioning which also affects how we handle our money. And if one is already burdened with debt and then made to suffer from grief it can result in more trauma and financial stress than necessary.” – Mental Health & Wealth Show

Why Meaningful Work is an Essential Part of Life

“Last time we talked about some of the lessons I’ve been reflecting on during this coronavirus pandemic. I’ve been trying to use this time for extra reading and learning. ” – Spills Spot

Ep #257: How to Stop Screwing Up Our Finances, Even in A World That Leads Us Astray – With Dr. Dan Ariely

“Today’s podcast guest, the famed behavioral economist Dr. Dan Ariely, is not a fan of checking accounts. Or supermarket end caps. Or anything that distracts us from our financial goals. In this episode, he explains why.” – Afford Anything

Self Control And Discipline: The True Path To Financial Freedom

“We want financial freedom. We want to have enough cash for discretionary expenses, savings, investments, and an airtight retirement fund.” – MoneyLogue

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