Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: July 16, 2021

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

We are excited about our upcoming Plutus Impact Summit which is happening virtually on Friday, July 23, and Saturday, July 24. This FREE event is for anyone in the finance space to network and learn about having a bigger impact on the financial lives of our audiences.

Leading up to the event, we also have a weekly scavenger hunt on our podcast. All you have to do is listen to this week’s podcast episode, go to our podcast hunt page and follow the directions for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card. The winner will be announced during the summit.

How to Choose a Good Credit Card that Suits Your Needs

“We’ve put together a thorough list of questions to ask yourself along with other factors for you to consider, to help you decide which personal or business credit card options suit your needs best before choosing which ones to apply for.” – APR Finder

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It’s Never Too Late to Make FIRE

“Beginning the path to financial independence later in life means we can identify with more people about their inabilities to save or their lack of knowledge about investing because we were also there. ” – Playtirement

Episode #33: Dodd-Frank and SAFE Act Course for Mobile Home Investors

“In this week’s episode, I talk about my new Dodd-Frank and SAFE Act course for mobile home investors to help you with your mobile home investing business.” – Adventures In Mobile Homes

This Isn’t About Running

“Last night I ran 8km. It was the fourth evening in a row that I had gone running. And I think it’s the first time in my life that I can say that – that I went running four days in a row. I feel pretty happy about that. It’s […]”” – Seven Dollar Millionaire

Happiness Dividends: Making your Experiences Pay you Back

“Our experiences, like investments, have the ability to pay us a dividend long after the original experience is over in the form of happiness.” – Managing FI

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