Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: September 17, 2021

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

There are only a few days left before this year’s Plutus Awards and there’s one award left that your votes can help decide the winner!

The People’s Choice award is still up for grabs so go vote for your top choice today.

Ask your audience to vote for you with a custom link!

Content creators: Sometimes all it takes to win the People’s Choice is a well-timed message to an engaged community. Try building this link: where is the URL to your blog, podcast, or video channel. It’s that simple.

6 Financially Harmful Lies You Need to Stop Telling Yourself

“There are lies we tell ourselves, which may be just as detrimental, particularly when it involves our finances. Here are 6 financial lies you’ve probably told yourself.” – Casual Money Talk

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My Why of FI has Changed

“My reasons to pursue FIRE has changed as I progress on the path to financial independence, but what is your WHY of FI?  In other words, Why are you pursuing Financial Independence ?” – LateStarterFire

I Became a Serial Entrepreneur for My Daughters- Here’s Why (and How)

“Learn how Jessica escaped her corporate gig and launched her own business.” – Think Save Retire

Money Lessons Learned While Traveling Around the World

“I asked our tour guide, “What’s the difference between people in the South and people in the North?” I’ll never forget his answer to my question. Read on for the tour guide’s answer. ” – Budgets are Sexy

Life Insurance Policies and Divorce: What You Need to Know

“Should you take out life insurance on your former spouse? Navigating divorce can be hard enough, that’s why we’re walking you through your options.” – DoughRoller

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