Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: November 26, 2021

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

As content creators, it is easy to get burned out with the constant need to produce. Caitlin See offers some ideas to combat burnout during the upcoming holiday season.

Is Plutus Voices going to be in your area in 2022? Keep updated with our upcoming events and we hope to see you at one of our stops next year.

Dealing with Uncertainty in Retirement Calculations

“In this post, I’ll show how much the uncertainty in key variables such as growth rate, inflation rate, and life span can impact your ending net worth. Then, after reviewing what retirement models are and are not good for, we’ll discuss solutions.” – Can I Retire Yet?

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How to Stack Tax Benefits for Even More Savings

“A Mad Fientist reader shares how he utilizes tax-advantaged accounts to unlock even more cost-saving benefits!” – Mad Fientist

Is College Worth It Part I

“With the rising cost of college, student loan debt, degrees that don’t pay well it begs the question, is college worth it?” – The Black Financial Initiative Podcast

Productivity Hacks to Get Things Done in 2022

“We all have a long list of to-dos’ on our table or computer. With these 10 productivity hacks, you can get started on your work so that by tonight, you’ll feel relaxed and successful.” – Teen Financial Freedom

A Perfect Sorm: Semiconductors, ICE’s and EV’s

“The global chip shortage describes the current lack of computer chips which was indirectly caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The simplest explanation for the chip shortage is supply and demand.” – Pocket Change Investments

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