Showcase: 85% Of Gen Z And 83% Of Millennials Engage in Financial Deception

In the Plutus Awards Showcase, the Plutus Awards team and Apex Money highlight the best financial articles, podcast episodes, and videos from around the web each Friday. To submit an items you’ve written, created, or discovered, submit a request for consideration.

Hey Plutus Family! We have been enjoying sharing your post in our Impact Series each month. For the Month of December, we are focusing on Debt Payoff Movement.

Please consider participating this month by writing an article, recording a podcast episode, or producing a video that you publish between December 16 and 21. We will begin sharing your content on December 22. Sign up to participate here.

Here’s what we wanted to share with you this week

85% Of Gen Z And 83% Of Millennials Engage in Financial Deception. [A Dime Saved] – “Millennials and Gen Z have experienced constant economic uncertainty: entering the job market during a massive economic downturn, Millennials have struggled to gain financial stability and have been hit with tidal wave after tidal wave of world-shaking events. Gen Z has had to cope with technology pushing perfection, head-spinning U.S. and global politics, and a looming recession,” said Michael Hershfield, founder, and CEO, of Accrue Savings.” (Submitted by Tarsha.)

It’s Not About Retirement Anymore. [Retire Before Dad] — “It’s about: being more available to my family, focusing on meaningful work that I enjoy, building on the nine years of effort I’ve put into my online writing business, and leveraging the saving and investing I’ve prioritized over the past two decades.” (Submitted by J. Money.)

Savers Get Paid Again [The Belle Curve] – “ZIRP is not the normal state of the monetary system. Where we are today is normal. Savers should be paid to wait, and the risk-free interest rate should not be zero. That was insane. Everyone got so high on the supply of free money that we forgot the basics of how money works. Unwilling to park cash in zero-interest savings accounts, investors went on a mad dash of risk-taking.” (Submitted by Jim Wang.)

Make a Stock Tracker with Google Sheets. [Freddy Smidlap] — “It’s about: being more available to my family, focusing on meaningful work that I enjoy, building on the nine years of effort I’ve put into my online writing business, and leveraging the saving and investing I’ve prioritized over the past two decades.” (Submitted by J. Money.)

Bring Economics into The Holidays. [Economics with Dr. A] — “Learn more about how we brought economics to the holiday season. This is an example of assignments that are designed to develop community.” (Submitted by Tarsha.)









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