Showcase: #54. Master the Game: 5 Habits from Highly Successful Investors.

In the Plutus Awards Showcase, the Plutus Awards team and Apex Money highlight the best financial articles, podcast episodes, and videos from around the web each Friday. To submit an items you’ve written, created, or discovered, submit a request for consideration.

Join us for happy hour on Wednesday, June 14th in West Hartford, CT!  Content Creator Happy Hour is a chance to talk about important money issues in a small, intimate setting. Also, it is a great way to network. Tickets are free but extremely limited. RSVP now and see more details at

Here’s what we wanted to share with you this week.

#54. Master the Game: 5 Habits from Highly Successful Investors. [The Sytch] — “The number one habit that successful investors have is consistency. They have a plan put into place and consistently make decisions that align with their strategy.” (Submitted by Tarsha.)

The Liabilities of Success. [Of Dollars and Data] — “It’s easy to idolize the accomplishments of those who are more successful than you, but it’s hard to understand the price they paid for that success. This is why you have to think deeply about what liabilities you are willing to take on prior to embarking on a new project.” (Submitted by J. Money.)

We Paid Off $17k Of Debt In 2022! [Goodbye Whine to 5] — “We wanted to pay off all our non-consumer debt, and we didn’t quite make it but we came VERY close. We had to dream big for that goal and I am so glad we set our sights high. I want to go into the nitty gritty of the debt numbers, how we did it and what’s next for us!” (Submitted by Tarsha.)

“Misconceptions I Had About Rural Life.” [Frugalwoods] — “For [my husband] and me, the whole point of this lifestyle change was to let go of the city rat race, the external pressures and the societal expectations. We wanted to no longer work for other people and no longer constantly rush around. Rural life, for us, means joy, time, freedom and space.” (Submitted by J. D Roth.) 

Don’t Miss Out on Your Only Free Lunch [Evidence Investor] – “Most investors, including many professionals, are simply unable or unwilling to acknowledge how little they actually know, or the risk that they’re taking as a consequence. Smart investors, by contrast, know their limitations and, instead of trying to predict the future, simply buy and hold a broadly diversified investment portfolio.” (Submitted by Jim Wang.) 

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