Showcase: Did Judas Iscariot Make the Worst Deal in History

In the Plutus Awards Showcase, the Plutus Awards team and Apex Money highlight the best financial articles, podcast episodes, and videos from around the web each Friday. To submit an items you’ve written, created, or discovered, submit a request for consideration.

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Here’s what we wanted to share with you this week.

Did Judas Iscariot Make the Worst Deal in History? [Young Money] — “My man literally sold the Son of God for an Uber from JFK to Manhattan during rush hour traffic. So yeah, Judas’s deal was pretty bad. But at least he didn’t spend $300,000,000 on two Papa John’s pizzas.” (Submitted by J. Money.)

Digital Envelope Budgeting System: Why I Love It.  [Social Work to Wealth] — “Budgeting is the formal process of organizing your income and your expenses. With a budget, you are creating a spending plan for your money.” (Submitted by Tarsha.)

Saved by Compounding.  [Humble Dollar] — “If I made a list of all the dumb things investors do, I likely committed them all. I chased performance, sold stocks in a bear market, invested in things I didn’t understand—you get the picture. Yet, despite the numerous setbacks I suffered before I matured as an investor, I was able to retire comfortably. How was that possible?”​​ (Submitted by J. Money.)

What’s the point of a primary care doctor? [Mel Magazine] — “Against an apparent backdrop of decline in both patient demand and doctor enthusiasm for end-to-end treatment within primary practice, you might wonder why you’re still being shunted through their waiting rooms, when it’s a specialist you really want to see. You might also wonder, since you’re in a diagnosing frame of mind, where all this pressure for referrals and over-treatment is really coming from.” (Submitted by J.D Roth.)

You Should Aim to Be Financially Independent… Enough. [Flow Financial Planning] – “I hear myself saying over and over to clients and prospective clients (and the void): Don’t worry about becoming financially independent. Just become financially independent enough. What does that mean? Why do I say that? What does it matter to you?” (Submitted by Jim Wang.) 

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