Showcase: Failing at Early Retirement

In the Plutus Awards Showcase, the Plutus Awards team and Apex Money highlight the best financial articles, podcast episodes, and videos from around the web each Friday. To submit an items you’ve written, created, or discovered, submit a request for consideration.

Hey Plutus Family, Let’s go back in time and check out the last season of the Plutus Awards Podcast, The Deadly Sins of Content Creation. You will not regret it!

Here’s what we wanted to share with you this week.

It’s Time to Work. [Of Dollars and Data] — “Most people don’t get rich through their investment decisions; they get rich through their income. They get rich through their work. Even those who do get rich from their investments, typically, had to work to get the money they used to invest in the first place.” (Submitted by J. Money.)

Experts Say This Is a Key Sign You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Money. [The Zero Report] — “When it comes to money and budgeting, it’s often easier said than done. You may have the best of intentions — you’ll eat out less this month and put the money into your savings account instead. But then life happens. Just like working through any other life, fitness, or wellness issue, a little introspection is often the ticket. If you want to get your finances back in order, a financial psychologist or money mindset coach can help. It all starts with getting your head in the right place.” (Submitted by Tarsha.)

Failing at Early Retirement. [Go Curry Cracker] — “The idea that earning some income is equivalent to failure for an early retiree is common, but I think it is misplaced. There is no right/wrong or moral weight to the decision to add or subtract dollars from a retirement portfolio, so if something doesn’t feel right and you think work would help… then work.” (Submitted by J. Money.)

How Much Money? [Slightly Early Retirement] – “So considering that happy retirees have more than one source of income, have learned to control their expenses, have a reduced cost of living, have no or a managably small amount of debt and have affordable government provided health care, I believe that having a $500,000 retirement nest egg is enough for them to be financially secure.” (Submitted by Jim Wang.)

The Year of The Flow  [Budgets Are Sexy] – “So all this to say, I’m nixing my schedule for the upcoming year and will only be writing whenever I’m dying to get my thoughts out. Which will probably be less than I’m writing now, but still more than I was the last few years when I was gone. In fact, my hope is that by going this new route I’ll be able to stay here with y’all for the long run since there’s no way I can get burned out again if I only blog when I feel like it! Haha…” (Submitted by Jim Wang.)


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