Teenagers today receive little to no education in the area of personal finance. Very few states offer any classes about money management and even fewer have a graduation requirement involving personal finance classes.
Unfortunately, for most teens, these skills are not taught in their home either.
The results of this lack of education in basic money management skills results in teens who make poor financial decisions that can cripple them financially for the rest of their lives. Teens need to be exposed to the information they need to make wise financial decisions now and avoid mistakes like taking on massive student loan debt or going into credit card debt because they do not understand the long term consequences of living beyond their means.
Rather than offering a single class on some random personal finance topic and never seeing the attendees again, Eva is developing free, ongoing classes to teens over the course of several months. The ongoing classes will create authentic relationships with the class attendees in pursuit of affecting their behavior and changing outcomes for their financial future.
These are a selection of the classes currently being taught in the community:
6024 Ridge Ave, Suite 116-148
Philadelphia, PA 19128
(844) 4-PLUTUS
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