Future Millionaire Money Camp for Kids

Grant Awarded Spring 2021

The Future Millionaire Money Camp for Kids is a curated learning experience designed to teach money management fundamentals for minority youth ages 8-14.

What would you teach your younger self about money management if you had the opportunity to do so?
Money management is a life skill that is rarely taught in school or discussed in the home, yet research shows:
Many money habits are set by age 7.
Only 26% of 13-21-year olds surveyed said that their parents taught them how to manage money.
Only one-third of high schools in America require students to take a personal finance class before they graduate.
As a result, our young people are growing up without the financial knowledge and practical experience which increases their risk of making poor financial decisions that can have costly and long-term effects.
To overcome the absence of financial literacy in our schools, and to encourage money conversations in the home, Holly Reid created the Future Millionaire Money Camp for Kids.
The curriculum is modeled from Holly Reid’s award-winning book, Teach Your Child to Fish: Five Money Habits Every Child Should Master.

Program Outline and Structure

The Money Camp for Kids offers an engaging and informative learning opportunity from home. The four-week curated learning experience is designed for students ages 8-14.
Each week there is 60 minutes of live instruction which explores a valuable money lesson through playful activities, discussion, demonstrations, and videos. Each training component is designed to deliver financial knowledge and quick wins.
The money topic is reinforced through self-paced activities and action items to be completed during the week before the next session of live instruction.

Money Topics

Goal-Setting and Earning Money
Campers kick-off their week making the association between hard work and being rewarded. We dive into their dreams, discuss goal setting, and ways to earn money while also encouraging activities to fuel a child’s entrepreneurial spirit.
Saving and Investing
Saving is the foundation of Investing. Investing is the catalyst to build long-term wealth. Campers will learn the importance of saving & investing at a young age and how to get started. We demonstrate the power of compound interest, discuss the Rule of 72 and are guided through the steps to select their first stock investment.
Spending Wisely and Using Credit Responsibly
Campers will be introduced to the marketing tactics used to promote wasteful spending and how to make a spending decision. They will learn to create a spending plan they can use throughout the year. In addition, campers learn about credit when it is most appropriate to be used.
Giving is an important money habit to raise future millionaires who demonstrate empathy and compassion. Campers are exposed to popular philanthropists and learn to implement the 3 Ts of Giving – Time, Talent and Treasure – and are guided to tie giving to their talents and interests.

Fall 2021 Program Update

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About Holly Reid Toodle

Holly Reid Toodle, CPA is an award-winning author, speaker, and Certified Financial Education Instructor dedicated to helping student audiences manage their finances as responsible stewards. She is the founder of The Master Playbook, a financial education and wellness company which has educated thousands of people through her book, Teach Your Child to Fish: Five Money Habits Every Child Should Master, financial $martCards, speaking engagements, and online courses using sound financial principles, practical tips and her personal experiences.

As a personal finance advocate, Holly is on a mission to motivate, inspire, and help others break the cycle of paycheck to paycheck living and create a legacy worth leaving. Holly’s philosophy is grounded in the basic principles of living debtfree, saving for the future, and investing wisely. She believes each person has the power to create a healthy financial future and is equipped to meet people where they are on their financial journey. She enjoys peach cobbler, Motown Classics, and traveling with her husband, Gene.