Yo Quiero Generational Wealth

Grant Awarded Fall 2021

Yo Quiero Generational Wealth is a four-week program for Latina families, focusing on the eldest daughter in each family.

The Plutus Foundation grant will provide seed money for the investment portfolio for five participants.

Phase One

A 4-week seminar with a portfolio design as the capstone project.

Phase Two

An 11-month continued mentorship network, paired with accountability check-ins.
The seminar will not only cover the basics of the stock market and investing, but will also encourage an intentional reflection around one’s relationship to money. Through providing both technical expertise, as well as socioemotional support, we are providing this group of Latinas with the education and sense of empowerment they need to fully leverage the stock market in their generational wealth building journeys.

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About Jannese Torres-Rodriguez

Jannese Torres-Rodriguez Yo Quiero Dinero

Jannese Torres-Rodriguez is a nationally-acclaimed Latina Money Expert, Educator, Speaker, Writer and Business Coach. She became an accidental entrepreneur after a job loss led her to create a successful Latin food blog, Delish D’Lites. Now, she helps her clients and listeners build successful online businesses that allow them to pursue financial independence and freedom. Jannese is on a mission to educate marginalized communities on topics like entrepreneurship, investing, and building generational wealth through her personal finance podcast, “Yo Quiero Dinero.”