Plutus™ Foundation Impact Series

Gender Issues and Personal Finance

May 2022

Each month in 2022, the Plutus Foundation Impact Series features select articles, podcast episodes, and videos from participating content creators, all around a central theme.
The theme for May is gender issues and personal finance. While it’s tempting to think that money works the same way regardless of sex, issues pertaining to identity often have an effect on financial advice and how this might be effective on an individual level.
There is a gender wage gap, but beyond this issue, there are other obstacles that often need to be overcome. For example, the negotiation suggestions that work for men don’t always have the same opportunity of success when implemented by people other than men.

The best solutions, advice, and stories from the Plutus Community will help you have an impact on your life.

“Sure, women are working their way up but to say they are ‘equal’ to men is a far cry from the truth. Does that mean women can’t hold their own and can’t be financially smart or wealthy? Nope. We can do all of that and more, but we need the right coaching.”
“My career and income had picked up just enough steam, that by the time my wife and I were having our first child we were in a financial position for my wife to leave her job and stay at home… Stay at home parents have the hardest job in the world. Full stop.”
“There are many financial considerations and gender issues that affect women’s finances, such as the gender pay gap; maternity leave, healthcare, and childcare considerations; women being more likely to care for their aging parents; and women statistically living longer. It turns out that our financial system largely fails to recognize how personal finance is different for men and women.”
Images licensed via BigStockPhoto

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