Sandy Smith Grows an Intimate Periscope Audience Into a Community of Thousands [005]

Our community is filled with hundreds of stories from creators and entrepreneurs just like you. Through this podcast, we plan to share these stories from bloggers, podcasters, writers, speakers and so many more.

Show notes

Sandy Smith is the founder of Yes, I Am Cheap and the co-host of this year’s 10th Annual Plutus Awards presented by Capital Group.

Today, Sandy Smith shares how writing “like she has balls” has transformed into starting multiple, thriving Facebook communities.

When Sandy discovered Periscope, she could not have imagined how speaking directly to her audience would change her online business. She shares her insights and struggles with growing groups that have unique purposes and goals.

Interview Highlights
  • Sandy talks about her long-standing feelings about being in the shadow of the Plutus Awards stage — until this year
  • Why Sandy chose to start a blog as her medium to share her journey to financial freedom
  • How Sandy was forced by her listeners to start her group of now 11,000 members
  • The differences between managing the larger and smaller groups she has started
  • The struggle with cultivating trust in a community
  • Advice on starting a Facebook group and helping it grow healthily

Sandy’s video on Using Facebook Groups to Build YourTribe and Profit.

You can contact Sandy at, on Twitter, or on Instagram. Also visit The Hustle Group Sandy’s group on Facebook.


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About Chris Browning, Podcast Host

Chris Browning is the creator and host of the Popcorn Finance Podcast. He is a financial analyst who produces Popcorn Finance to share his love of teaching and discussing personal finance.

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