Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: May 31, 2019

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

While we’re not officially opening Plutus Awards nominations until Saturday, you can get your ballot in early. Nominate your favorite blogs, podcasts, videos, projects, and people for the 10th Annual Plutus Awards now!

Tired of Struggling Financially? Why Your Job is Keeping You Poor

“Are you struggling to get ahead? Consider that working hourly could be holding you back.” – Wealthlenial

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Help a Reader: How to Spend $500k in Life Insurance – ESI Money

“A couple weeks ago I received a heartbreaking email similar to what’s below. Please read this and respond with your best suggestions.” – ESI Money

Salary vs. the right job.

“What would they have to pay you to get you to do a job you truly loathed?” – Surviving and Thriving

You may be broke, but not broken

“Being in debt or having bad credit doesn’t define who you are. We’ve both been in tough financial situations and found a way out of it.” – Rich and Regular

The Mental Detours Down the Road to Financial Independence

“What belief have you held on to for so long and so dearly that have slowed or stopped you on your path to financial independence?” – Moneylogue

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