Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: October 11, 2019

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

We have two more Plutus Voices events for 2019 that you won’t want to miss: Plutus Voices Atlanta on October 24 and Plutus Voices New York on December 5. Limited tickets are available, so get yours today and join the conversation about important topics in the financial media space.

Improve Your Financial Health in 30 Days

“The task of getting your finances in order is something that many people find overwhelming. Although there are a lot of factors that should be considered, the truth is, you can have a significant impact on your overall finances within just a short period of time. ” – Vital Dollar

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Budgeting and Culture

“Culture defines what is important to us. To be able to discuss personal finance we have to understand how our cultures defines our choices.” – A Dime Saved

Preparing for the Next Recession – A Guide For The Canadian Middle Class

“It’s been more than 10 years since the onset of the Great Recession and Canadians are more indebted than ever. Therefore, in anticipation of the next recession, I thought it timely to write this piece.” – Boomer & Echo

5 Reasons The Rich Get Richer

“It is important that we try and understand the dynamics of building wealth in order to create a stronger country, society and future. What can we learn from the rich to get richer ourselves? And what habits or practices can we adopt to harness wealth building potential?” – The Money Vikings

What is Millennial Burnout? And How Can You Combat it?

“Millennials have garnered a less flattering reputation: The Burnout Generation. This is in reference to the Millennial mindset towards their life and careers, commonly characterized as being disenfranchised with their work and station within their organization. Here are some tips to combat this burnout.” – Simple Money Moves

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