FinCon 2019 and 10th Annual Plutus Awards Recap

This year, FinCon, a conference for financial media, influencers, and brands, was held in Washington, D.C. It was the largest FinCon by attendance yet, and it was really energizing to be around so many newcomers as well as the familiar faces. It was also wonderful to see the Plutus Awards team in person and reconnect as we prepared for the awards show.

Here are a few highlights:

The meetups.

FinCon had a lot of meetups this year, scheduled and unscheduled, and for many, these events are what they found most valuable. Here, many are able to digest information in more intimate settings and also connect with people in the same niches, creating meaningful connections.

One such meetup that I attended was the Elevate Community meetup which had an unexpected 150 attendees! From all accounts, the attendees received a lot of value from the speaker, Dominique Brown, to help them incorporate systems in their lives to improve their businesses.

After it ended, the networking clearly continued, collaborations were being formed, and people were freely sharing information to help others in their ventures.

The Plutus Awards.

The Plutus Awards celebrates bloggers, podcasters, authors, and other content creators in personal finance media. Each year, the awards team works diligently to put on a great show. Thank you to the Plutus Awards team members, the volunteers, and all who attended in making the show a success.

I don’t use this word lightly, this year’s Plutus Awards was truly epic! Jordon Cox and Sandy Smith were our cohosts and did a fantastic job of delivering excitement and laughs, along with announcing the awards.

Plutus Awards full pic

Plutus Voices was happy to present the Biggest Impact Award to Sandy Smith, her first win after 19 nominations.

Towards the end of the evening, the Plutus Foundation announced the recipients of our newest round of grants, Talk Money to Me and Dollars and Good Sense. There was also a special surprise for Plutus Foundation founder, Harlan Landes, that brought a lot of tears and smiles.

We were also joined on stage to hand out some awards by Tom Joyce, Head of Corporate Communications for Capital Group. We are extremely thankful to Capital Group for partnering with us in making our 10th Annual Plutus Awards Ceremony truly memorable.

Planning ahead.

FinCon is the ideal place to forge new relationships, being inspired with new ideas or shaping existing ones, and finding others who align with your vision in some way. We were able to speak to people about our Plutus Voices events. It was encouraging to hear feedback on the past events as well as hear ideas and tell people about our upcoming ones! We will be in Denver and Atlanta in October.

Plutus Voices Denver 2019

This past year, the Plutus Foundation has also seen a lot of growth and as we grow, we really need more help. At the conference, the team was able to talk to people who showed interest in what we’re doing and wanted to know how they can help. There are many ways you can volunteer if you are interested, please be sure to reach out!

We left FinCon invigorated and looking forward to what the future will bring for the Plutus Foundation.

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