Eugenié George on How Childhood Trauma Affects Your Money Story [041]

Our community is filled with hundreds of stories from creators and entrepreneurs just like you. Through this podcast, we plan to share these stories from bloggers, podcasters, writers, speakers and so many more.

Show notes

There are a lot of books, podcasts, and websites giving financial advice without considering culture, environment, or trauma. These issues directly affect our view and experiences with money and should inform the financial help we give.

Eugenié George from The Money and Flow Podcast talks with Harlan Landes about adverse childhood experiences, ACE scores, and how these have an effect on people’s ability to implement sound financial strategies and take basic financial advice.

  • How does a parent’s trauma affect a child
  • How understanding your trauma can help you move forward
  • The need to find the correct financial help to nurture your situation
  • What ACE Scores are and how they affect your money story

About Eugenié George

Eugenié uses her over 10+ plus years’ experience in tech, education, and finances to lead high-achieving individuals to understand their money habits. Eugenié uses non-traditional ways of understanding business and personal goals because many were not taught the true skills of money. A master at mindset, Eugenié teaches and coaches a wide range of individuals and her genius has created a new method of money through research, practice, and creativity, taking the anxiety around math and money away and making them work for you.

Eugenie is the author of Our Money Stories. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram as @_eugeniegeorge.

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About Chris Browning, Podcast Host

Chris Browning is the creator and host of the Popcorn Finance Podcast. He is a financial analyst who produces Popcorn Finance to share his love of teaching and discussing personal finance.