Pivot Your Business Effectively During The Pandemic [051 | Jessica Moorhouse]

Welcome to Series 3 of the Plutus Awards Podcast! The team is excited to present a new series of episodes, providing our listeners with the best actionable tips and personal success stories from superstars in our community and from the diverse experiences of many creators and entrepreneurs.

Pivot Your Business Effectively During The Pandemic

Show notes

The pandemic has negatively affected many businesses. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, most small businesses are concerned about financial hardship due to prolonged closures (70%) and more than half (58%) worry about having to permanently close.

Jessica Moorhouse joins our host, Sarah Li-Cain, to discuss her experience with setbacks due to COVID-19. Jessica shares what her business looked like pre-COVID, how her business changed once the pandemic happened, and how she pivoted so she can continue diversifying her income.

  • Jessica discusses what her business was like before the pandemic
  • The emotions that most overwhelmed her as her streams of income dried up
  • How she handled the negative feedback she received by selling a course during COVID
  • The mindset shifts she went through to make the best of 2020

About Jessica Moorhouse

Jessica Moorhouse is a millennial money expert, Accredited Financial Counsellor Canada®, speaker, award-winning personal finance blogger and host of the Mo’ Money Podcast. Aside from being a regular guest on CTV’s Mind the Gap, she is also frequently featured in major publications like The Globe and Mail, BNN Bloomberg, CBC News, Yahoo Finance, and MarketWatch. Jessica is also the founder of the Millennial Money Meetup®, a financial literacy event for young adults in Canada.

You can follow Jessica on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

Plutus Awards Podcast Jessica Moorhouse Featured Image


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About Sarah Li Cain, Podcast Host

Sarah Li-Cain is a finance writer, the founder of Beyond the Dollar, and an AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) candidate whose work has appeared in places like Bankrate, Business Insider, Redbook, Financial Planning Association, Stacking Benjamins and Her Money podcast with Jean Chatzky (of NBC Today). Her work blends practical tips and mindset strategies so that those trying to change their financial life can see themselves in the starring role. She also integrates physical, spiritual and mental wellness so that money becomes a tool to enhance people’s lives.