Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: April 17, 2020

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

This week we’re highlighting male authors in the personal finance media space. We’re excited to showcase their latest work and voices for you to read and expand on. In other Plutus related news we have a few new things hitting this week! Episode three of the Plutus Awards Podcast is up. This week we interviewed Holly Johnson on her blogging experiences and when you give it a listen you might discover a new thing about Holly! We also have episode three of Plutus Picks up and ready for your viewing pleasure. In addition to all of this we want to remind you of our weekly Instagram Takeovers and Wednesday Webinars. Head to our profiles on Instagram and Facebook to subscribe and follow.

Steve Heimoff, Bernie Madoff Victim

“In 2008, Steve learned that his entire savings—almost $2mm–had vanished in the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme. ” – Paul Ollinger

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Recession Investments: 5 Steps for STRESS-FREE Investing

“Have you just found yourself on the wrong end of an economic downturn frantically googling “Recession Investments” or “How to invest in a recession?” Well, today you will learn exactly that.” – Five Year FIRE Escape

Corona stories from Backpack Finance

“No one could have anticipated this black swan event. I mean no one. Seriously, who in their right mind would have guessed that a virus out of a market in Wuhan in China would be the trigger to a financial collapse? WHO? If you guessed it right I want to meet you.

” – Backpack Finance

Financial Stress During a Crisis – 5 Lessons Learned

“As of this writing, we’re in the middle of one of the biggest financial crisis the world has ever faced – the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As our leaders are trying their best to contain it, the ripple effects from the disease are causing significant impact on the financial markets.” – Debt-Free Doctor

Surpassing Your Dreams For Something Better

“What’s better than reaching your dreams? Achievement only takes you so far. Listen to Vincent Pugliese author of Freelance To Freedom give us a PhD level class on community. Plus a bonus segment on COVID and conferences with Diania Merriam. ” – DiverseFI

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