Plutus Awards Weekly Showcase: October 30, 2020

The Plutus Awards team highlights the best in financial media every week in the Plutus Awards Showcase. To submit an item you’ve written, created, or found for next week’s feature, follow us on Twitter.

This week we are featuring the Best Personal Finance Content for Underserved Communities presented by The Motley Fool, via our finalists in the 11th Annual Plutus Awards, brought to you by Capital Group!

You can register for the Plutus Awards ceremony coming up on November 13th! This year, the Plutus Awards ceremony will be a virtual event you can attend from the comfort of your own home. Join host Joe Saul-Sehy and a slate of stars from throughout the Plutus Community who will bring the Plutus Awards to you. It’s free to attend. Click this link to sign up:

You MUST sign up for the Plutus Awards before November 10th at 11:59 PM PT. Nov 10th is the last day you can register for the ceremony which will be streamed via FinConX.

10 Crazy Easy Ways We Save Money

“15 years ago, we got serious about getting out of debt, and now, we’re on track to be retirement millionaires! How did we save that kind of money?” – Debt Free Guys

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How to Begin Investing as an Immigrant

“Investing money is one of the most powerful things you can do to build wealth for you and your family as an immigrant.” – Immigrant Finance

3 Ways to Build Wealth (Latinx Webinar)

“This is a webinar that I offered in 2020 to a group of Latinx working professionals in NYC. I am sharing it here on my channel in honor of Latinx Heritage Month, which is from September 15th – October 15th. ” – MissBeHelpful

Can I Start A Business During Financial Difficulties?

“One of the most common questions that aspiring entrepreneurs have is whether or not it is possible to start a business during financial difficulties.” – Money Smart Latina

My Reflections After 3 Years of Personal Finance Blogging

“October 4 marked three years of personal finance blogging and it’s been a wild ride. As I’m sure is true for most folks, the last year has been an emotional (and financial) rollercoaster for me. I doubt the rollercoaster will slow down anytime soon, but here are some of my reflections three years in.” – Money The Wright Way

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