Pete McPherson – Build Your Business During a Financial Setback [066]

Welcome to Series 4 of the Plutus Awards Podcast! The team is excited to present a new series of episodes, providing our listeners with the best actionable tips and personal success stories from superstars in our community and from the diverse experiences of many creators and entrepreneurs.

Build Your Business During a Financial Setback

Show notes

Losing a job unexpectedly can be devastating especially if you do not have a backup plan or enough money in your emergency fund to sustain your lifestyle. You are racing against time. Your family is looking at you for answers. So, you decide it is time to turn your passion into your side hustle, but can you do it in the midst of your financial setback?

In this episode, Sarah Li Cain speaks with Pete McPherson, the founder of Do You Even Blog, an award-winning blog, podcast and YouTube channel dedicated to helping businesses profitable on the internet. Pete shared how he had to manage three years without a steady income source after quitting his job, moving to another city, and losing the part-time job he had planned on working to give him time to scale his side businesses.

Episode highlights

  • Pete discusses what he did to monetize his online business
  • How he scaled his business with little money
  • Pete discusses what is or is not justified in terms of investing in one’s business
  • How Pete grew his listeners and newsletter subscribers in the community

About Pete McPherson

Pete McPherson is the founder of Do You Even Blog, an award-winning blog, podcast, and YouTube channel dedicated to helping creators build impactful (and profitable) businesses on the internet.

He has interviewed some of the top entrepreneurs and creators in the world, including Seth Godin, Hillary Weiss, Matt Mullenweg (WordPress), Brittney Muller (Moz), Neil Patel, Kira Hug, John Lee Dumas, Glen Allsopp, and many more.

Plutus Awards Podcast - Pete McPherson Featured Image

1 Comment

Pete McPherson · June 23, 2021 at 11:03 am

Oh man I’m nervous to listen, but excited! Thanks so much for having me on!

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About Sarah Li Cain, Podcast Host

Sarah Li-Cain is a finance writer, the founder of Beyond the Dollar, and an AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) candidate whose work has appeared in places like Bankrate, Business Insider, Redbook, Financial Planning Association, Stacking Benjamins and Her Money podcast with Jean Chatzky (of NBC Today). Her work blends practical tips and mindset strategies so that those trying to change their financial life can see themselves in the starring role. She also integrates physical, spiritual and mental wellness so that money becomes a tool to enhance people’s lives.