Danielle Desir – How to Manage a Paid Membership Group and Why You Should Start One [070]

Welcome to Series 4 of the Plutus Awards Podcast! The team is excited to present a new series of episodes, providing our listeners with the best actionable tips and personal success stories from superstars in our community and from the diverse experiences of many creators and entrepreneurs.

How to Manage a Paid Membership Group and Why You Should Start One

Final chance to win a $100 Amazon.com gift card by listening to the podcast!

Today’s episode features a trivia question. Listen for the question and enter your response here for a chance to win. The winner will be announced at the Plutus Impact Summit. Learn more about the Plutus Impact Summit and register here.

Show notes

Your idea gained traction. Four thousand people have joined your free members group. Hard as you work to provide your expanding membership with content and materials, you know you could create a lot more value with more resources. It is time to transition into a paid membership group. But how will you get your free members to welcome this change?

Danielle Desir, the founder of The Thought Card, joins our host, Sarah Li Cain, to discuss how she monetized her free Facebook group, the pricing models for her membership community, and how her members’ success stories fueled her passion.

Episode highlights

  • Danielle discusses what motivated her to start her membership only group
  • How Danielle attracted the interest she needed to transition her free group into paid membership only
  • How Danielle set membership pricing that is sustainable and profitable
  • Danielle discusses the different challenges paid groups face

About Danielle Desir

Danielle Desir is an author, blogger, podcaster, and founder of The Thought Card, an affordable-travel and personal finance blog and podcast empowering financially savvy travelers to make informed financial decisions – travel more, pay off debt, and build wealth. She is also the co-producer of Millennial Wealth Builders, a 3x grant-funded audio docuseries highlighting women of color building wealth. As the founder and CEO of WOC (Women of Color) podcasters, Danielle is passionate about supporting and amplifying the voices of women of color podcasters and audio creators. WOC Podcasters includes an inclusive podcasting community, blog, job board, and membership.

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About Sarah Li Cain, Podcast Host

Sarah Li-Cain is a finance writer, the founder of Beyond the Dollar, and an AFC (Accredited Financial Counselor) candidate whose work has appeared in places like Bankrate, Business Insider, Redbook, Financial Planning Association, Stacking Benjamins and Her Money podcast with Jean Chatzky (of NBC Today). Her work blends practical tips and mindset strategies so that those trying to change their financial life can see themselves in the starring role. She also integrates physical, spiritual and mental wellness so that money becomes a tool to enhance people’s lives.